$4.99/lb tilapia from Fareway |
So I thought I would recap what I spent on everything this weekend.
Hy-Vee: $9.99+$10.27= $20.26 large can of almonds, generic Velveeta, coconut water, and soup
Fareway: $42.14 meat, ect
Aldi: $7.44 milk, chips, and
Bread Outlet: $4.16 3 loves of bread, hamburger buns
Halloween Express: $11.70 black wig
Redbox: $1.06 Hoodwinked Too
Apple Orchard: $25.61 balloon animal, paint squash, a "Queen's Apple",wine, apples and a root beer
Walmart: $61.99 costume, fabric, toy bow and arrow
Earl May: $5.47 pumpkin painting
Total: $179.83
Wow, when you put it that way that's a lot. I still have to make shirts for a race that my sister is going to be in and some small presents for my twin nieces birthday coming up. I'm sure there will be more too, Tuesday is a book fair dinner for my daughter's school. I have been good that I haven't eaten out since I used a Groupon two weeks ago, unless your counting a meal that my sister bought for me. I'm going to try to be better about not buying things, but I'm just not that good at it.
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