Thursday, February 2, 2012

Planning Out My Challenge

I'm participation in Laura at Org Junkie's 29 Day Organizational Challenge.  If you would like to learn more you can visit her site for all the details.  

Yesterday's post I submitted pictures of my basement room I will be tackling.  Today I will answer the questions from Laura's site to help me be successful in this challenge.

1. What do I want the purpose of my room or area to be?
This room needs to house a guest bed and my craft supplies.  If possible I would like to keep my elliptical and maybe my husband's weight bench, but I would like to get the kids toys out.
2. What do I need in or near the room to serve that purpose?
I will need a bed with a nightstand and lamp for guest positioned near an outlet for an electric blanket for colder winter nights.  I also need a desk for crafting and I need better lighting in the room.  I will need some sort of bins to organize the materials.
3. What can I remove from the room?
I need to remove the toys, and clothes I haven't worn in a year.
4. What problems do I see with the room?
This room is cold and dark.
5. What organizational tools might solve those problems?
peg board, wall shelves, a murphy bed would be awesome, totes or baskets
6. What habits need to change to solve the organizational problems?
I need to put things back in place right away.  Everything needs a place, if I can't find a place something has to give.
7. What kind of a budget do I have to create the organized room of my dreams?
I really need to do this with less than $100.
8. What kind of a timeline is necessary to organize the room?
Since I'm participating in the challenge I have until the end of Feb.
9. What is my plan of action?
I plan on working on it every week, 2-3 times a week.  I will need to post updates every Friday starting on the 10th.
10. Who can I ask to help me with this?
I plan on having my husband get rid of this and help bring them to Goodwill.  My sister can come over and keep me company, and my kids can help me choose what to get rid of.

Last year I straightened up this room in a week along with a few other spots in my house.  29 days should be plenty of time to organize this space.  The prizes that Laura is giving away is a great motivation to get this space o so pretty.

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