Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pin It Wednesday

For about a month now I have been reading Confessions of a Semi-Domesticated Mama.  She has some great regular post and is definitely worth following so you can keep up with her interesting life.  She has a great weekly post called "Things that Pin....terest Me."  I, too, love Pinterest and love to introduce more people to the site.  Now-a-days most people will be spot on when they see something I did and say "Did you see that on Pinterest."

This week's weather has been ultra nice, but it has also brought with it yard work, dreams of gardens, and ants.  I don't know where these ants are coming from, but don't worry, I have a pin for that.

I also am needing to grill outside so I don't heat up the house so I have been searching for marinade recipes:

It would be an off week if I didn't end up contributing to my quote board:
I think the only thing that I wouldn't pin that has peanut butter on it would be dog poop or the like:

Just about anything that I have wanted to make, I have been able to find a tutorial through Pinterest.  I was getting ideas for how to store all the stuffed animals my kids have when I found this:

What have you pinned this week?

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