Saturday, April 21, 2012

Week in Review

artwork by my daughter
I can't wait for next week to start.  This week has been crazy and depressing.  Too much money was spent, and too little was accomplished.  I only ran 10 miles this week since it was raining a lot.  I decided that I needed to step up my game on looking for a treadmill.  I found one at a used sports store, but they wanted $1150 for one.  It was a very nice model, but I really didn't want something to make payments.  I looked on Craigslist and found one listed for $150.  I'm not really good at bargaining and all the ones for less didn't look good, so I offed $140 and they took it.  It is 4 years old but has a nice thick belt for cushion and doesn't looked like it got used a lot.

Another sad thing that happened this week was I had the grill light a fire ball in my face.  It singed my eye brows, some of my head hair, and my eyelashes.  It was super scary.  I have had my grill for years and was thinking of getting a new one, but I don't want to spend the money right now.  I'm thinking I will be looking more into George Foreman's really soon.  It's much cheaper than a new grill.

As for my list of things I need to work on, they all still need some work.

Some things I want to keep working on:
hydrating my face and changing pillow cases to keep my face clean
drinking water
not spending money excessively
cleaning and organizing (need to keep up with following Noni's ebook)
I need to make a chore chart and motivate kids again

Sunday: $0
Monday: $0
Tuesday: $44.05
Wednesday: Costco- $109.55 (groceries: $54.56, personal care $54.99); Gas- $33.74; Walmart- $76.44 (tank top for daughters play: $3.68, dog food: $21.18, groceries $5.81, Monster High dolls for no good reason, for future presents for daughter $41.24, personal care: $4.53); McDonald's- $3.59
total: $223.32
Thursday: $7.80 for groceries at Target to use coupons I had (I got 2L coke and doz. eggs for free).
$5.16 for bread at bakery outlet ( 4 loves of bread and 2 packages of hamburger buns)
total: $12.96
Friday: $0
Saturday: $140 used treadmill
$37.09 vacuum bag and Kirby Zip Brush
total: $177.09
Grand Total for Week: $457.82

I defiantly need to work on my spending.  Tomorrow I will dig around the kitchen and see how many meals I can drum up without shopping, maybe I can do two weeks if I'm really good.  As for the Monster High dolls, they have been hard to find.  I bought 3 not really knowing which ones my daughter already has.  My thought was to give her one for completing all the hard work on the play.  I'm not sure if I want to keep the others for more occasions or if I will just return them.  I think I will wait a month and see where I'm at.

What are you working on?
How did your week go?
Is anyone even reading this besides me and my alter ego?


  1. Hi! THanks for stopping by my blog (Royal Daughter Designs. You're really brave to document your spending!

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm trying to be better about my money, so putting it out on blog might help.
