Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Working on Health

So I decided to tackle one thing from each of my list each week. Today I was able to wake up and run outside, which is a more motivating to me than the treadmill. I figured I need to run Wed and Sunday outside, with Sunday being the day I would do my long run. Friday I will have to run on a treadmill but I can alternate between my house and the gym at work. Monday will be my day off and Tuesday, and Thursday I will need to come up with a strength training routine for either home or the work gym. If I get up by 5:30 it should give me enough time to work out and then get the kids up for school, or get the kids up to head to work early to hit the gym and shower.

I have also been trying to drink more water and changing my pillow cases before bed to help clear up my acne that drives me crazy.

Another part of this plan would be making sure I am in bed by 10 pm do I'm not tired to wake up.

It seems like Netflix took off all of the fitness show it had before, like Crunch workouts.  My next option was and they did have a good variety.  My plan tomorrow will be to wake up and try one of the videos on toning since I have some hand weights at home I can use. My body targets would be my inner thighs, and abs. I don't think there is a workout to make your boobs bigger, but if you know of one, let me know.

Friday I hope to post about finance, which is also pay day. Yippee!

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