Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Profile by Sanford Week 2

Profile Chicken soup, took a few tries to be able to get it mixed properly.
This week I lost 4.2 lb. I started to get discouraged because I saw I only lost 1.8 lb, but then looking again I see it is calculated off from my last weigh in. I did weigh in at day 10 to see how much I would lose in 10 days, which from day 7 to day 10 was 2.6 lb. Crazy how your body works. I probably will look weigh in again on Day 20 this week too, just because I find it interesting.

I have tried to be really consistent with what I am eating, but I did get board eating chicken for the first 12 days. This week I made a turkey burger on lettuce (recipe for burger), turkey bacon, and some cod. I also need to get some more ground turkey to make cheeseburger cauliflower adjusting to make sure it is ok for my Profile reboot.

So far I am happy with my results and motivation is going well. I have been getting up at 5am to do the BikiniBodyMommy 90 Day 6.0 Challenge, except for Monday and today. Monday I did the workout at night and I will tonight again. Sunday didn't get to bed till after 11pm trying to get work done, this has been a busy week for that, and today I thought I would take my husband to work due to snow but he thought he would be OK. (Not because he can't drive in the snow :0P, because his car isn't good in it and I pick up kids due to my schedule.)

Total weight loss in 2 weeks is 6.8 lb.

Note- For mixing the chicken noodle soup, add first to cold water and stir. Then warm up and stir again. I did try with a shaker cup: Mix with cold, shake, take mixer ball out, warm up with lid only resting on top, then add mixer ball again and shake. This turned out good for mixing but the chunks of dried veggies got stuck in the mixer ball and the cup was warm to handle.

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