Sunday, September 25, 2011

Menu Plan Monday

So we still have some leftovers from last week, and I didn't even make the Italian grilled chicken.  I'm gonna try to make meals from what we have since I have a lot of meat in the freezer, so here goes, sorry it's not very exciting:

Sunday- had frozen pizza, since I was tired of the leftovers *
Monday- Italian grilled chicken
Tues- sloppy joes with homemade rolls
Wednesday- mac and cheese from a box
Thursday- leftovers
Friday-chicken nuggets and homemade fries
Saturday- mexican pork bowls

See more menu plan monday post at

*ok,ok I bought McDonalds for lunch too.

1 comment:

  1. Great menu. I love sloppy joes. I haven't made them in a while. I'll have to put them on my menu soon.
