Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advocare 24 Day Challenge - Day 1



Jean size: 8 womens
Dress size: 6
Waist: 33'
Hips: 42.5"
Neck: 12.75"
Right thigh: 25"
Left thigh: 25"
Right arm: 12"
Left arm: 11.5"
Right calf: 14.25"
Left calf:11.5"
Chest: 36.5"
Shoulders: 18"

(I did take pictures but I'm not going to post those until Day 11 when I weigh, measure, and take more pictures.)

Food and Advocare

First thing in the morning I had Spark. I have tried it before and it made me feel sick since of the caffeine. Today it left me with some jitters, but it wasn't too bad. 

Breakfast: Two boiled eggs and the fiber drink.

Lunch: I had lettuce, about 2 cups, with unsalted Trader Joe sunflower seeds ($1.99) with less than 4oz chicken ( I bought a scale at Target ($20), and some Walden Farms Ranch dressing.

Dinner: My husband treated me to Applebee's. I had the Roma Pepper Steak with red potatoes and vegetables. Took my 2 OmegaPlex pills from the bottle in the kit.

Snack: pickles, grapes, and sweet potatoes fries with salt and pepper.

Advocare products are in italics and red.


No exercise today, I just didn't make time but I'm not going to let it set me back. Yesterday I did they Bikini Body Mommy 90 day Challenge day 1 fit test because I wanted to do it before I started Advocare. It was really hard and I feel really out of shape, but I can't wait to grow from her great workout plan.

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